Literatura naukowa dotycząca bakterii kwasu mlekowego

Niektóre materiały mogą być objęte płatnym dostępem, za utrudnienia przepraszamy.

1.       Wirahadikusumah Saleh (1975) Fermented Foods, University of Uppsala, Sweden

2.       Yves Delatte (1985) The uses of lactic acid bacteria in the Fur Industry, International Symposium on the Fur Industry York, UK (1985)

3.       Wirahadikusumah Saleh (1971) Development of lactic acid bacteria during Early Stages of Fermentation in Fish Silage, University of Uppsala, Sweden

4.       H. Tauson (1982) Lactic acid bacteria in ration for mink in the lactation period, University of Uppsala, Sweden

5.       Ecole Vétérinaire de Toulouse (1982) Experiments on lactic acid bacteria on weaning piglets, France

6.       T. Yamaguchi, Y. Kuroda, M. Saito, T. Ebina, F. Hoshino and N. Ishida (1984) Immune Interferoni Production by TH69, a lyophilized preparation of S.faecalis in murine spleen cultures, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 19/01/1984

7.       D. Iannello, L. Bonina, D. Delfino, M.C. Berlinghieri, M.R. Gismondo and P. Mastroeni (1984) Effect of oral administration of a variety of bacteria on depressed macrophage functions in tumor-bearing rats. Ann. Immunol.(Inst. Pasteur) Messina University, Italy. 135 C, p. 345-352

8.       Miyoshi Ikawa (1963) Nature of the lipids of some lactic acid bacteria. J. Bacteriology Vol. 85, p. 772-781

9.       G. H. Spray (1953) Microbiological assay of folic acid activity in human serum. Jour. Microbiology, 17 p. 660-665

10.   G. Weeks, S. Wakil (1970) Studies on the control of fatty acid metabolism. Journal of Biol. Chem.Vol. 245, 8, April 25, p. 1913-1921

11.   Volker Rusch (1985) Bacteriotherapy with Normal Intestinal S. faecalis vaccine in humans: Results of a double study. Microecology and Therapy Vol. 15, p. 313-318

12.   V. Rusch, R.M. Hyde and T.D. Lucckey (1983) Application of S. faecalis and E. coli oral vaccines in humans and animals. Prog. Fd. Nutr. Sci.Vol.7, p. 39-52

13.   Yasuo Kawai (1984) Effect of cellular extracts of Streptococci on hyperlipidemia in rats, rabbits and humans. Microecology and Therapy Vol. 14, p. 109-126

14.   K. Ishihara & Y. Kawai. Hypocholesterolemically active substances of E. faecalis Kawai. Microecology and TherapyVol. 16, p. 75-79 (1985).

15.   D. Müting, R. Leimbeck, H. Jochen Flasshoff, V. Rusch (1986) Bifidobacterium bifidum administration in humans: a controlled clinical study in liver cirrhosis. Microecology and TherapyVol. 16, p. 271-272

a)       D. Müting, R. Leimbeck, H. J. Flasshoff (1986) The effects of fortified viable Bifidobacterium bifidum on intestinal microbial ecology; a controlled clinical study in liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension. Microecology and TherapyVol.16, p. 287-295

b)      C. Del Vecchio-Blanco, G. Ambrogio, D. Mattera, M. Coltorti (1984) Effect of treatment with S. faecium on the blood ammonia curve following protein loading in subjects with hepatic cirrhosis. Institute of Medical Semiotics, University of Naples, Italy

16.   W. Heit, H. Heit, H. Rodt (1981) The role of microflora in allogenic bone marrow transplantation. Microecology and Therapy Vol. 11, p. 141-147

17.   N. R. Hall, A.L. Goldstein (1981) Neurotransmitters and the Immune System in Psychoneuroimmunology. Ader R. Ed. Academic Press, NY

18.   I.R. Rowland, P. Grasso (1975) Degradation of N-Nitrosamines by Intestinal Bacteria Applied Microbiology 29 7

19.   J. R. Williams et al. (1970) Participation of liver fractions and intestinal bacteria in the metabolism of N-hydroxy-N-2-Fluorenylacetamide in the rat. Biochem. Pharmacol. 19 p.173-188

20.   H. H. Balfour Jr (1985) Cytomegalovirus infections of the gastro-intestinal tract. Microecology and Therapy Vol.15, p. 55-56

21.   R. L. Penn, R. D. Maca, R. D. Berg (1985) Leukemia promotes the translocation of indigenous bacteria from the gastro-intestinal tract to the mesenteric lymph node and other organs. Microecology and Therapy Vol. 15, p. 85-91

22.   Edward Balish (1986) Intestinal Flora and Immunity. Microecology and TherapyVol. 16, p. 157-167

23.   L. E. Perryman, K. L. Bamks, T. C. Maguire (1975) Lymphocyte abnomalities dans in Aleutian Disease virus infection of mink. Journal of Immunology Vol. 115, No. 1, p. 22-27

24.   S. Ducluzeau & P. Raibaud (1981) Les interactions bactériennes dans le tube digestif. Rev. sci. tech. Epiz., 8 (2), p.291-311

25.   Van der Waaij (1983) Antibiotic choice: the importance of colonization resistance. Chichester: research Studies Press

26.   D. A. Burks, A. T. Axon (1988) Adhesive Escherichia Coli in inflammatory bowel disease and infective diarrhoea. Br. Med. J.; 297, p. 102-04

27.   R.W. Ebringer, D.R. Cawdwell, P. Cowling, et al. (1979) Sequential studies in ankylosing spondylitis. Association of klebsiella pneumoniae, with active disease. Ann. Rheum. Dis.; 37, p. 145-51

28.   J. O. Hunter (1991) Hypothesis: Food allergy – or entero metabolic disorder? Lancet Vol. 338, August 24th, p.495-496

29.   Yvan Vandenplas (1999) Bacteria and yeasts in the treatment of acute and chronic infectious diarrhea. Part I: Bacteria. Clin Microbiol Infect; 5 p. 299-307

30.   S. J. Klebanoff, S. L. Hillier, D. A Eschebach, A. M. Waltersdorph (1999) Control of the Microbial Flora of the Vagina by H2O2–Generating Lactobacilli. The Journal of Infectious Diseases; 164 p.94-100

31.   Anders Hallén, MD, PhD, Connie Jarstrand, MD, PhD, and Calle Påhlson, MSc (1990) Treatment of Bacterical Vaginosis with Lactobacilli. Reprint requests; Anders Hallén, MD, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital, Akademiska sjukhuset, S-75185 Uppsala, Sweden. Received for publication November 19, 1990, revised May 28, 1991, and accepted May 31, 1991

32.   Sharon L. Hillier, Marijane A. Krohn, Lorna K. Rabe, et al. (1993) The Normal Vaginal Flora, H2O2 –Producing Lactobacilli, and Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnant Women. Clinical Infectious Diseases; 16 (suppl. 4): p. 273-81

33.   Frank A. M. Klaver, Roelof Van Der Meer (1993) The Assumed Assimilation of Cholesterol by Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium bifidum Is Due to Their Bile Salt-Deconjugating Activity. Applied Environmental Microbiology Apr., Vol. 59, No. 4, p.1120-1124

34.   Amal K. Mitra, Golam H. Rabbani (1990) A Double-Blind, Controlled Trial of Bioflorin (Streptococcus faecium SF68) in adults With Acute Diarrhea Due to Vibrio cholerae and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Gastroentology; 99, p. 1149-1152

35.   Gaetano Bellomo, Antonio Mangiane, Luigi Nicastro, Giuliano Frigerio (1980) A Controlled Double-Blind study of SF 68 strain as a Biological Preparation for the treatment of Diarrhoea in Pediatrics. Current Therapeutic Research Vol. 28, No. 6, December

36.   E. J. Schiffrin, F. Rochat, H. Link-Amster, et al. (1995) Immunomodulation of Human Blood Cells Following the Ingestion of Lactic Acid Bacteria. J Dairy Sci78:491-497

37.   Dr. J. N. Kenyon M.D. M.B. Ch.B., Y.G.A. Delatte (1991) The therapeutic aspects and properties of lactic acid bacteria. November 1991, reviewed February 1992, private communication

38.   S. C Nannan Panday, E. J. Vollaard (1993) Bacteriotherapy with Lactobacilli. Pharm. Weekbl.; 128(28); 807-15

39.   M. Miettinen, J. Vuopio-Varkkila, K. Varkkila (1996) Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha, Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 is induced by Lactic acid Bacteria. Infection and Immunity; 64(12): p. 5403-5405

40.   M. Borgia, N. Sepe, V. Brancato, R. Borgia (1982) A Controlled Clinical Study on Strepcoccus Faecium Preparation For The Prevention of Side Reactions During Long-Term Antibiotic Treatment. Current therapeutic research February Vol. 31 No. 2

41.   H. Link-Amster, F. Rochat, K. Y. Saudan, et al. (1994) Modulation of a Specific humoral immune response and changes in intestinal flora mediated through fermented milk intake. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology10, p. 55-64

42.   F. M. Driessen, R. De Boer (1989) Fermented milks with selected intestinal bacteria: a healthy trend in new products. Neth. Milk Dairy J.43, p. 367-382

43.   Hanne Hove, Inge Nordgaard-Andersen, Per BrØbech Mortensen (1994) Effect of lactic acid bacteria on the intestinal production of lactate and short-chain fatty acids, and the absorption of lactose. 1-3 Am J Clin Nutr; 59:74-9

44.   Eileen Hilton, MD; Henry D. Isenberg, PhD;p Phyllis Alperstein, et al. (1992) Ingestion of Yogurt Containing Lactobacillicus acidophilus as Prophylaxis for Candidal Vaginitis. Annals of Internal Medicine; 116: 353-357

45.   Glenn E. Hatcher, Randall S. Lambrecht (1993) Augmentation of Macrophage Phagocytic Activity by Cell-Free Extracts of Selected Lactic Acid-producing Bacteria. J Dairy Sci; 76: 2485-2492

46.   S. E. Gilliand, D. K. Walker (1990) Factors to Consider When Selecting a Culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus as a Dietary Adjunct to Produce a hypocholesterolemic Effect in Humans. J Dairy Sci; 73: 905- 911

47.   C. Del Vecchio-Blanco, G. Ambrogio, D. Mattera et al. (1981) Influence du traitment par Streptococcus faecium (S.F. 68) sur la courbe ammoniémique de charge protéique chez sujets atteints de cirrhose hépatique. Méd. Et Hyg.; 39: 2387-2389

48.   F. T. Black, P. L. Andersen, J. Ørskov, F. Ørskov, et al. (1989) Prophylactic Efficacy of Lactobacilli on Traveler’s Diarrhea, Travel Medicine pp 333-335

49.   Hyung-Yong Kim, D. V. M., M. S., Heyong-Suk Bae, D.V.M.,M.S., Young-Jin Baek, Ph.D. (June 1991) In Vivo Antitumor Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria on sarcoma 180 Mouse Lewis Lung Carcinoma. Journal of Korean Cancer Association23,2

50.   F. Black, K. Einarsson, A. Lidbeck, et al. (1991) Effect of Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria on the Human Intestinal Microflora during Ampicillin Treatment. Scand J Infect Dis 23: 247-254

51.   Frank A. M. Klaver, Roelof van der Meer (1993) The Assumed Assimilation of Cholesterol by Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium bifidum Is due to Their Bile Salt-Deconjugating Activity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Apr. Vol. 59 No.4, p. 1120-1124

52.   Meei-yn Lin, Dennis Savaiano, Susan Harlander (1991) Influence of Nonfermented Dairy Products Containing Bacterial on Lactose Maldigestion in Humans. J Dairy Sci 74: 87-95

53.   Jose M. Saavedra, Nancy A. Baumann, Irene Oung, et al. (1991) Feeding of Bifidobacterium Bifidum and Streptococcus Thermophilus to Infants in hospital for prevention of diarrhea and shedding of rotavirus. The Lancet Vol.344 p.1046-1049

54.   V. O. Oyetayo, F. C. Adetuyi, F. A. Akinyosoye (Nov. 2003) Safety and protective of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillys casei used as probiotic agent in vivo. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 2 (11):p. 448-452

55.   M. Lyte (2011) Probiotics function mechanistically as delivery vehicles for neuroactive compounds: Microbial endocrinology in the design and use of probiotics. Bioessays (published online ahead of print), doi: 10.1002/bies.201100024

56.   A.Ouwehand, G. Leyer, D. Carcano (2008) Probiotics Reduce Incidence and Duration of Respiratory Tract Infections in 3- to 5-year-old Children. Pediatrics121;S115 doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2022JJJ

57.   M. Tabbers, I de Milliano, M. G. Roseboom, M.A. Benning (2011) Is Bifidobacterium breve effective in the treatment of childhood constipation? Results from a pilot study. Nutrition Journal (published ahead of print) doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-10-19

58.   T. D. Braga, G. Alves Pontes da Silva, P. I. Cabral de Lira, M. de Carvalho Lima (2011) Efficacy of Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillus casei oral supplementation on necrotizing enterocolitis in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 93, p. 81-86

59.   R. Myhre, A. L. Brantsaeter, S. Myking, H. K. Gjessing, V. Sengpiel, H. M. Meltzer, M. Haugen, B. Jacobsson (2011) Intake of probiotic food and risk of spontaneous preterm delivery. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 93, p. 81-86

60.   J. Rushing, J. Neu (2011) Probiotics for pregnant women and preterm neonates. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 93 , p. 3-4

61.   A.Berggren, I. Lazou Ahren, N. Larsson, G. Onning (2010) Randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study using new probiotic lactobacilli for strengthening the body immune defence against viral infections. European Journal of Nutrition(published online before printing), doi: 10.1007/s00394-010-0127-6

62.   S. Guandalini, G. Magazzu, A. Chiaro et al. (2010) VSL#3 Improves Symptoms in Children With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Crossover Study. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutritionvol. 51, Issue 1, p. 24-30, doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3181ca4d95

63.   I.Hojsak, N. Snovak, S. Abdović, H. Szajewska, Z. Mišak, S. Kolače (2009) Lactobacillus GG in the prevention of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections in children who attend day care centres: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Nutritionvol. 29, issue 3, p. 312-316

64.   H. Zaharoni, E. Rimon, H. Vardi, M. Friger, A. Bolotin, et al. (2011) Probiotics improve bowel movements in hospitalized elderly patients – The proage study. Journal of Nutrition,Health and Aging, vol. 15, number 3, p. 215-220

65.   C. L. J. Karlsson, G. Molin, F. Fak, M.-L. Johansson Hagslatt, M. Jakesevic, A. Hakansson, B. Jeppsson, B. Westrom, S. Ahrne (2011) Effects on weight gain and gut microbiota in rats given bacterial supplements and a high-energy-dense diet from fetal life through to 6 months of age. British Journal of Nutrition (published ahead of print), doi: 10.1017/S0007114511001036

66.   R-C. Cody, C. Stanton, L. O’Mahony, R. Wall, F. Shanahan, E. M. Quigley, G. F. Fitzgerald, R. Paul Ross (2010) Recombinant lactobacilli expressing linoleic acid isomerase can modulate the fatty acid composition of host adipose tissue in mice. Microbiology (published ahead of print) doi: 10.1099/mic.0.043406-0

67.   Y. Kadooka, M. Sato, K. Imaizumi, A. Ogawa, K. Okuyama, Y. Akai, M. Okano, M. Kagoshima, T. Tsuchida (2010) Regulation of abdominal adiposity by probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055) in adults with obese tendencies in a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 64, number 6, p. 636-643

68.   M. J. Ege et al. (2011) Exposure to environmental microorganisms and childhood asthma. The New England Journal of Medicine; 364, p. 701-709

69.   J. E. Gern (2011) Barnyard microbes and childhood asthma. The New England Journal of Medicine; 364, p. 769-770

70.   B. L. K. Chawes et al. (2011) Elevated eosinophil protein X in urine from healthy neonates precedes development of atopy in the first 6 years of life. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; doi: 10.1164/rccm.201101-0111OC

71.   S. F. Keller, A. McCartney, G. Gibson (2010) Bacillus coagulans as a probiotic. Food and Science Technology Bulletin, doi:10.1616/1476-2137.16015

72.   L. Grzeskowiak, E. Isolauri, S. Salminen, M. Gueimonde (2010) Manufacturing process influences properties of probiotic bacteria. British Journal of Nutrition(publishes ahead of print) doi: 10.1017/S0007114510004496

73.   B. Arribas, N. Garrido-Mesa, L. Peran, D. Camuesco, M. Comalada et al. (2011) The immunomodulatory properties of viable Lactobacillus salivarius ssp. Salivarius CECT5713 are not restricted to the large intestine. European Journal of Nutrition (published online ahead of print) doi: 10.1007/s00394-011-0221-4

74.   P. Marteau, P. Seksik (2004) Tolerance of probiotics and prebiotics. J Clin Gastroenterol; 38:S67-9

75.   S. P. Borriello, W. P. Hammes, W. Holzapfel et al. (2003) Safety of probiotics that contain lactobacilli or bifidobacteria. Clin Infect Dis; 36:775-80

76.   F. Cremonini, S. Di Caro, M. Covino et al. (2002) Effect of different probiotic preparations on anti-helicobacter pylori therapy-related side effects: a parallel group, triple blind, placebo-controlled study. Am J Gastroenterol; 97:2744-9

77.   Lefevre M, Racedo SM, Ripert G, Housez B, Cazaubiel M, Maudet C, Jüsten P, Marteau P et al. (2015) Probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis CU1 stimulates immune system of elderly during common infectious disease period: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. Immunity & Ageing, 12:24

78.   J Mättö, L Maunuksela, K Kajander, A Palva, R Korpela, A Kassinen, M Saarela (2004) Composition and temporal stability of gastrointestinal microbiota in irritable bowel syndrome — a longitudinal study in IBS and control subjects FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 213–222 

Bakterie kwasu mlekowego w leczeniu infekcji intymnych

1.       Gary W. Elmer, PhD; Christins M. Surawicz, MD; Lynne V. McFarland, Phd (1996) Biotherapeutic Agents: A Neglected Intestinal and Vaginal Infections. JAMAMarch 20, Vol 275, No 11 p. 870-876

2.       N. F. Hanna, D. Taylor-Robinson, M. Kalodiki-Karamanoli et al. (1985) The relation between vaginal ph and the microbiological status in vaginitis. Brit. J. Obstet. Gynaecol., 92 p. 1267-1271

3.       H. Minkiff, A. Grunebaum, J. Feldman et al. (1987) Relationship of vaginal ph and Papinicolaou smear results to vaginal flora and pregnancy outcome. Internatinal Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics25, p.17-23

4.       K.S. Moghissi. Vaginal fluid constituents. In Beller, F. K. and Schumacher, G. F. B. (eds) (1979) The biology of the fluids of the female genital tract. Elsevier, New York p. 13-23

5.       T. A. Stamey, M. F. Kaufman (1975) Studies of introital colonization in women with recurrent urinary infections. II. A comparison of growt in normal vaginal fluid of common versus uncommon serogroups of Escherichia coli. Journal of Urology, 114, p. 264-267

6.       L. Weinstein, M. Bogin, J. H. Howard, B. B. Finkelstone (1936) A survey of the vaginal flora at various ages, with special reference to the doderlein bacillus. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology32, p. 211-218

7.       H. Verstraelen, R. Verhelst, G. Claeys, M. Temmerman, M. Vaneechoutte (2004) Culture-independent analysis of vaginal microflora: The unrecognized association of Atopobium vaginae with bacterial vaginosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; 191:1130-2

L. Kwok, A. Stapleton, W. Stamm, S. Hillier, C.Wobbe, K. Gupta (2006) Adherence of Lactobacillus crispatus to Vaginal Epithelial Cells From Women With or Without History of Recurrent Uninary Tract Infection. The Journal of Urology; Vol. 176; 2050-2054

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