Literatura naukowa dotycząca enzymów trawiennych

Niektóre materiały mogą być objęte płatnym dostępem, za utrudnienia przepraszamy.

1.       Marcel Baumuller (1990) Therapy of Ankle Joint Distortions with Hydrolytic Enzymes; Results of Double-Blind Clinical Trials. Allgemeinmedizin 19: p.178-182

2.       Lucia Desser, Alexander Rehberger (1990) Introduction of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Human Peripheral-Blood Mononuclear Cells by Proteolytic Enzymes. Oncology 47(6):p.475-477

3.       N. J. Gonzales, L. L. Isaacs (1999) Evaluation of Pancreatic Proteolytic Enzyme Treatment of Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas, with Nutrition and Detoxification Support. Nutrition and Cancer33(2):p.117-124

4.       Ottokar Rokitansky (1980) Adjuvant Enzyme Treatment Before and After Breat Cancer Surgery. Dr. Med1(2):p.16

5.       Friedrich-Wilhelm Dittmar (1990) Enzymtherapie in der Gynakologi (Enzyme Treatment in Gynecology). Allgemein Medizin 19:p.1568-1569

6.       L. B. Sheila, M. B. Glasg (1960) Bromelain and the Cervix Uteri. Lancet2:p.1420-1422

7.       S. E. Soule, H. C. Wasserman, R. Burstein (1966) Oral Proteolutic Enzyme Therapy (Chymoral) in Episiotomy Patients. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology95:p.820-823

8.       E. Rammer and F. Friedrich (1996) Enzyme Therapy in Treatment of Mastopathy. A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Study. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift108(6):p.180-183

9.       W. Konig (1991) Enzymes therapy for virus infections and carcinoma. Acta Medica Emperica 1-9

10.   V. Martynenko (August 1998) Wobenzym in the Combined Pathogenetic Therapy of Chronic Urethrogenic Prostatitis. Lik. Sprava6:p.118-120 AND

11.   R. Guskov, I. D. Bogacheva, and G. B. Iatsevich (1998) Systemic (Vobenzyme Preparation) and Local Enzyme Therapy in Transurethral Drainage of the Prostate in Patients with Obstructive Forms of Chronic Prostatitis. Urol. Nefrol.6:p.37-42

12.   S. A. Kenfield, M. J. Stampfer, E. Giovannucci, J. M. Chan (2011) Physical activity and survival after prostate cancer diagnosis in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. J Clin Oncol. (published ahead of print) doi:10.1200/JCO.2010.31.5226

P. Engel, G. Fagherazzi, S. Mesrani, M-C. Boutron-Ruault, F. Clavel-Chapelon (2011) Joint effects of dietary vitamin D and sun exposure on breast cancer risk: results from the French E3N cohort. Cancer Epidemology, Biomarkers & Prevention (published online ahead of print) doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-10-1039

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